Dog Walking Regulations

There are dog walking regulations in place for the coastal Crown land managed by Bellarine Bayside – these are called the Northern Bellarine Dog Orders. Please see the Take the Lead on the Northern Bellarine Guide for a map and detailed information.

These regulations were brought into effect in 2018 following community consultation and in partnership with the City of Greater Geelong.

These regulations control where you can and cannot take your dog for a walk and whether it can be off a leash or must be on a leash. These regulations aim to ensure enjoyment by all coastal users and protection of wildlife and sensitive environments.

Please ensure you “take the lead” when playing and exercising with your dogs. Follow all signage to know whether you are in a prohibited, on- or off-leash area.

Use of Off-leash Areas

The use of off-leash areas is subject to your dog being under “effective control” and any breach of the below requirements is a fineable offence.

Effective control means:

  • You must carry a leash with you at all times.
  • Your dog is in hearing range.
  • Your dog always comes when it is called.
  • You can see your dog at all times.
  • Your dog does not have a history of aggressive, overexcitable or antisocial behaviour towards other dogs or people.
  • Your dog does not chase wildlife or enter habitat areas.
Tips when Walking your dog
  • If you are unsure, keep your dog on-leash.
  • Carry bags with you to pick up after your dog and dispose of in a bin.
  • Our coastal reserves should be enjoyed by all and we ask dog owners to be mindful that not all people on the beach enjoy dogs near them. Respecting others will ensure your dog’s safety and minimise potential mishaps.
  • Our coast is home to a variety of native animals and there are times we may ask you to keep your dog on a lead or refrain from walking a certain section of coast to ensure wildlife are safe (resting seals, beach-nesting birds or injured wildlife).
  • Dogs are prohibited within 10 metres of children’s playgrounds.
  • Dogs must be on-leash at all times within 10 metres of barbeques.